1999 - ?

AA2A, Artists Access to Art Colleges, has been a social enterprise company since 2010 and is an Arts Council England Investment Principal Support Organisation (IPSO) for the Visual Arts. After initial researching and piloting in 1994, the full project was launched in 1999. The first three years were overseen by the National Association for Fine Art Education (NAFAE) with funding from the Arts Council England's A4E Lottery scheme and the Crafts Council. As the remit of the project was extended to cover craft as well as fine art, the AA2A project came under the umbrella of the Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD) where it remained until AA2A Ltd was set up as an independent organisation. It provides artists and designer-makers with access to workshops and equipment in our host universities and colleges. They also provide students with information on self-employment, bridging the gap between studying and building a creative career.
Website: https://aa2a.biz